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Providing stopping power, brake pads are a wear and tear item that we should pay special attention to as they are crucial for the safety of passengers

Stopping Power
Understanding and Replacing Brake Pads – When to replace and how to extend their lifespan

The two most common brake types in cars are disc brakes and drum brakes. The latter are typically cheaper and used in cars with lesser power and weight. Disc brakes have several advantages, such as better heat dissipation, lesser fading while offering shorter stopping distances. Both types however work on the same principle that the friction between the brake pad and the drum or disc will convert the kinetic energy of a car moving into heat when activated.

The brake pad is hovering only a tiny distance away from the metal that is the brake disc or brake drum. When stepping onto the brake pedal, the brake pad will be pressed against the metal, thus creating friction and reducing the speed of the vehicle. Within the complex system of the brakes, brake pads are crucial parts All components rely on each component to work together safely and effectively. The type of brake pad needed depends on the vehicle, driving style, and driving conditions. For example, organic brake pads are softer and quieter than other types of brake pads, but they wear faster and create more dust. They are best suited for small cars that don't do a lot of aggressive driving. To find out which brake pad is best suited for your car, you may have a consultation with German Motors.

Although brake pads are made of very durable material, the friction between them and the metal they run against is slowly wearing them down. Brake pads are softer than brake discs or drums and hence, they need to be replaced sooner. Typically, brake pads last a long time and smooth driving behaviour can prolong the live of your brake pads. The use of lower gears for instance will shift the effort to slow down a car from the brakes to the engine. Engine braking is a technique for slowing down a vehicle by taking your foot off the accelerator and shifting down through the gears instead of using the brake pedal. Most experts agree that the driving behaviour is what determines how fast brake pads wear out. As brake pads make up a significant amount in the service bill, it is worthwhile assessing ones driving behaviour and to drive more passively and smoothly.

Aggressive acceleration almost always also leads to harsh braking. In dense traffic, there will be a need to decelerate more often and thus, smoother driving, with ample space between vehicles will typically result in less forceful braking needed to maintain a safe distance. Brakes are activated using brake fluid. Brake fluid is highly heat resistant, however it is also hygroscopic, i.e. it attracts moisture. If there is air in the pipes moving the brake fluid or if the brake fluid is old and thus has been contaminated with water, the braking power will not be as smooth and even as it should be. Regular checks and replacement of the brake fluid should be scheduled.

Brake fluid can be tested for its water content by measuring its boiling point. German Motors has the tools to do so and will be able to recommend the replacement of the brake fluid when necessary. Modern cars come with sensors that measure the remaining thickness of the brake pads and will give the driver a warning if the brake pads are wearing thin. This should be taken serious as the driving beyond the recommended minimum thickness of the brake pads can compromise the safety of passengers.

While changing tyres, a technician may also carry out a visual inspection of the brake pads to determine if a replacement would be needed. Sometimes it is advisable to change the brake pads even though there might still be a good amount of the abrasive material left: simply to avoid another stop at the workshop not long after, resulting in the car being unavailable. Such preventive maintenance is a balance between the cost of having to replace parts a little earlier versus the inconvenience of having to schedule the car for another service.

Finally, cheaper brake pads wear out faster and overloading accelerates the wear of brake pads. From experience, German Motors staff know that the joy over the lower price paid for replacement parts will never outlast the frustration when these need to be changed more often. It may only take small adjustments in the driving behaviour; have a chat with our technicians to find out how a little can go a long way.