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Keeping the engine running smoothly, engine oils are vital. Read here why you should change it and when.

The Importance of Regular Oil Changes – Benefits and frequency recommendations

Within the engine, metal parts run on other metal parts. Pistons move with the combustion chamber, the crankshaft turns rapidly. To reduce the friction, preventing engines to seize up, engine oil is used to keep parts moving effortlessly. Depending on the climate, the type of vehicle and the engine type, a wide range of engine oils is available to specifically meet the needs of each engine.

Although engine oils are to reduce the friction and seal the combustion chamber, abrasion still happens, and carbon will still enter the oil system. This is what turns the oil black over time. The accumulation of carbon and tiny metal parts in the engine oil will eventually become a problem: even modern oil filters will eventually reach their capacity, the filtration material all clogged up. Thus, the residues, reduced flow rate due to clogged-up filters will threaten the engine. Costly repairs could be the consequence of not changing engine oils regularly.

Car manufacturers offer two instances as to when the engine oil should be changed. Either once a certain number of kilometres has been reached (which will vary depending on the brand of car) or after a specific number of months. One can argue that an engine would not be subject to wear and tear when not running and thus the kilometres driven should only be the measure. However, as engine oils are highly engineered, crafted liquids, they also age. Acidity becomes an issue over time, so does the deterioration of the additives used to enhance the performance of the vehicle. This is why the engine oil should be replaced after a certain time, even if the car was not driven a lot.

One question German Motors is asked frequently is if an oil change ahead of the mandated time / kilometres is doing any good. There are no benefits in doing so, although there is no harm to it. Engine oil being a hazardous material, it has to be disposed off properly and the more often an oil change is performed, the more such hazardous material needs to be processed.

Did you know?
The Petronas Lubricants Global R&D Center is located near Turin, Italy and is home to hundreds of scientists, researchers and product development specialists that test and optimize the performance of fuels and lubricants for greater engine and fuel efficiency and improved sustainability. The facility boasts state-of-the art laboratories, equipment for lubricants R&D projects as well as automotive and industrial technology testing capabilities and expertise