Around your car
Spark plugs are crucial for the health and performance of an engine. When to replace them and how spark plugs impact your car’s performance here:

First there was the Diesel engine. Combust through pressurised fuel injected to compressed air in combustion chamber, these engines do not require spark plugs. Running smoother, and using a different method to ignite the fuel, petrol engines require spark plugs as opposed to the glow plug in a Diesel engine. Glow plugs are only needed for cold start to warm up combustion chamber to create an ideal ignition condition.
The spark plugs in our petrol cars have to work much harder: every combustion needs to be triggered by the spark plug. Each cylinder has a spark plug and they need to be working flawlessly to ensure a car is running smooth and fuel efficient. The two main aspects are the timeliness of the ignition, the other the amount of spark the plug gives off. To ignite the fuel, the spark has to be triggered at the right time. Should there be an early ignition, there will be a “ringing” noise emitted from the engine. All fuel should be ignited, and it should be done so evenly throughout the combustion chamber, therefore the sparks need to go in several directions. Modern spark plugs are designed to do so by having split ground electrodes.
Over time, spark plugs wear out. They lose their spark. Their maintenance involves checking them regularly and replacing them when needed. During a complete service, cleaning the spark plug area is recommended. With the proper tools, spark plugs can be removed from the cylinder head for a visual inspection. The color of the electrode tip can indicate the engine's condition and fuel combustion efficiency. Incomplete, early combustion and other issues with the spark plug negatively impact the driving comfort, fuel efficiency and ultimately can cause costly damage to the engine.
Meanwhile, when driving look for signs of reduced power, misfires, rough idling, or unusual sounds or vibrations. Should you notice any such issues, replace the spark plugs as soon as possible. Cheap plugs can corrode and degrade quickly, so German Motors recommends buying quality plugs. Never screw in spark plugs when the engine is still hot: when the engine cools, the metal shrinks and might tighten the spark plug to the point where a removal becomes difficult.
There is a proper procedure to be followed when replacing spark plugs. Before installing new spark plugs, clean out the holes in the engine with an air compressor or wire brush to remove any debris. Be careful when the plugs are removed do not drop any dirt or parts into the combustion chamber. Our technicians at German Motors are trained to exert outmost care to avoid such mishaps and would ensure that the spark plugs are installed properly, using the right tools.
Gentle acceleration, avoiding heavy loads, and reducing extreme heat can also help prolong the life of your spark plugs. The quality of fuel may impact the performance and lifespan of spark plugs. Hence, a regular check is recommended whenever you drop off your vehicle at German Motors. Replacement of the spark plugs should be done in accordance with the service manual of the cars’ manufacturer. Our trained technicians will know where to look and which plugs to recommend.